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Vilber Gel documentation imaging


The Quantum is the laboratory standard for DNA and protein gel imaging. The system is based on an advanced set of performance ideal to achieve high fidelity and quantitative scientific measurement. Its excellent imaging properties guarantee the best performance for nucleic acid and protein samples.

Fluorescence is the main method used for gene expression and protein detection. The fluorophore
absorbs the excitation light, reaching a higher energy state. By returning to its former state, it emits fluorescent light. The aim of the imaging system is to separate the emitted light from the excitation light in order to obtain an optimum sample image.

Our systems can accommodate up to 6 excitation channels in the UV and visible area. This is ideal for a large array of applications such as DNA or RNA gels, 1D protein fluorescent gels, stain free gels…

A large number of dyes could be used such as Ethidium Bromide, Sybr-Safe, Sybr Green, Gel-Red, Gel-Green, Sybr-gold, GFP, Pro-Q Emerald 300, Sypro-Ruby, FITC, DAPI…

Vilber safe dye
Vilber safe dye
Vilber safe dye

Our white light screen provides unmatched white light illumination. In our darkroom, LED-based reflective epi-white light excitation provides even white light illumination, compared to other systems with standard bulbs.

A large number of stains could be used such as
Coomassie blue, Silver stain, Ponceau S Red, Copper stain, Zinc stain…

Our systems are ideal for colorimetric stained protein gels, X-ray film imaging, autorads, SSCP
gels, colony dish and flask imaging…

Vilber Quantum door1

CX5 camera:

  • Scientific grade camera 

  • 5 megapixels resolution extendable to
    20 megapixels

  • Passive cooling

  • 16-bit – 65 536 grey levels

  • Scientific TIFF file or proprietary file format

  • USB-3 connection

  • Motorized zoom lens with feedback

  • Field of view: 26x21cm


  • One-Click-to-the-Image™

  • Protocol driven image acquisition

  • Self-explanatory user interface

  • Auto-exposure

  • Auto-focus

  • Auto-lighting

The Quantum has rich features and guides you into the advanced functions in a very ergonomically designed user interface. The simple and self-explanatory menu is ideal in a multi-user environment.

The Quantum includes our unique Dynamic 3D scan technology. The 3D Dynamic Scan images your sample in real time and reconstructs the data to create live three dimensional models.
The 3D reconstruction provides direct information regarding the image dynamic, background level and protein or DNA quantity.
A little change of exposure time will refresh the 3D view automatically.

Vilber Gel band
Vilber Gel 3D

SOFTWARE Free Bio-Vision software

for image acquisition with full GLP compliance. Molecular weight calculation, band
quantification, colony counting, distance calculation, text annotation and image enhancement included.

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